Inspired by in-life events, this project centres around the journey of moving homes. Informed by extensive visual, demographic, statistical and psychological research. The wayfinding narrative is conceptually driven by the paradoxical binary of permanent temporality, whereby the central theme of contrast has informed contrasting yet complementary visual communication style; pairing manual and digital practice, through a back and forth process of scanning and photoshop. The typographically driven design system utilises an instructional publication and sensor activated graphic installations on boxes, doors and lampposts to create a night-time exclusive wayfinding route.
With so many different homes encapsulating so many different lives intersecting, it creates thousands of irreplaceable circumstances, coexisting at one time. The fleeting glimpse-like nature of these circumstances is captured within the temporary means of viewing the wayfinding system, at night, via sensor lights and determinations of riddles.
My own housing journey is riddled with unexpected change, fleeting moments and chance. It is this fervent energy essence of the system captures, as the binary of temporality in permanence exemplifies the exciting dominance of change and wonder. Thus, paradoxically binary of temporary and permanent is instilled within the strong visual expression. Through equating temporary to transparency and obscurity and permanent to opaque and bold, the concept can be directly represented and interpreted.
The narrative is nuanced and multi-layered, with the depth of interpretation depending on the audience’s state of mind. Inspired by the covid-induced solitary and ‘secret’ move, an allusive tone of voice is mobilised. through the use of riddle like clues, a multi-element system that must be used in conjunction with one another and temporary night-time viewing. All generating an air of mystery and intrigue.
At its most simple level, the narrative replicates the real-life occurrence of moving homes in a turbulent time. Meaning, the property has been vacated without informing others, and the wayfinding system guides those originally unaware, towards the new home, answering questions of how far, and where. Further, the narrative of moving is more overarchingly expressed through the interactive elements of the journey. As they invite the user into the more philosophical and practical consideration of what is precious and useful to take with you in life.
A narrative of friendship is implied, through the target audience and copy. Further, the temporary existence of the wayfinding system itself creates a philosophical and existential narrative about the fleeting nature of life, memories and moments. This is ironically a permanently inescapable fact of life. The primary features of this idea is visually manifested through temporary and permanent design styles and installation access.
The wayfinding system is technically open to all but only accessible to some. It is only accessible at night, to those who visit the original home, and have the means to decipher the poetic clues. The target audience is thus the close friends of the occupants of my original home. The audience’s behaviour of visiting another’s home is the ritualistic premise that the wayfinding system relies upon. The orientating point is found at the original home, and the means to entice them on the journey to the new home, is based upon the understanding that their purpose is to see the occupants. The allusive copy and grungy fading visual language intends to evoke curiosity. Whereby the riddle-like clues and temporary means of interaction with the system, encourage urgency and secrecy. Depending on the state of the audience’s mind at the time the allusive and fleeting nature of the system can evoke either confusion or curiosity, frustration or excitement.